Stars | Types of stars | Universe | Ask Me Anything


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star is an astronomical object consisting of a luminous spheroid of plasma held together by its own gravity. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun. Many other stars are visible to the naked eye from Earth during the night, appearing as a multitude of fixed luminous points in the sky due to their immense distance from Earth. Historically, the most prominent stars were grouped into constellations and asterisms, the brightest of which gained proper names. Astronomers have assembled star catalogues that identify the known stars and provide standardized stellar designations. However, most of the estimated 300 sextillion (3×1023). stars in the Universe are invisible to the naked eye from Earth, including all stars outside our galaxy, the Milky Way.
Are all stars the same?
No, everywhere star is unique. With the exceotion of the sun, stars are all so far away from the Earth that they appear as pinpoints of twinkling light to us. Nut even though they may look the same to the naked eye, they all have their own characterstics, differing in size, temperature, colour, and brightness, depending on how old they are.


A star's mass-the amount of material it is made of - determines. How long it is going to live; the greater the mass , the shorter the life.

Record Breaker

All stars spin, but some spin much faster than others, The fastest star of all is a neutron star identified as XTE J1739-285, which spins around at a head- turning 1,122 times a second.

Failed star 

Brown dwarfs are stars that aren't massive enough to start nuclear reactions in their core. Therefore these stars don't shine but are instead a dark reddish brown


The brightness of a star seen from earthis described according to a scale of numbers. The smallest the number, the brighter the star. Those with a value of 6 or below can be seen by naked eye.

1.The sun is not the only star with planets orbiting around it; more than 330 planets have been identified beyond the solar system, with new ones being found all the time.
2.The first exoplanet (plsnet outside the solar system) was discoverd in 1922.
3.Exoplanets found so far are mostly jupiter-like worlds-massive, giant planets.
4.For a planet to support life it is thought that it needs to be a distance from the star where 
the temperature is right for 
liquid water to exist.

How to: form a star 
01.You will need perfect star forming conditions - vast clouds of mainly hydrogen, helium, and dust.
02.Collapse fragments of the cloud and shrink them to form protostars - the first stage of a star's life.
 03. Start nuclear reactions in the star's core so that it is able to shine steadily.
04.End the life of your massive star with an explosion, leaving behind a supernova remant, neutron star, or black hole.

Five brightest night-time stars

01. sirius
     8.6 light years 
     Brightness scale

313 light years 
Brightness scale  

03.Rigil Kentaurus
     4.3light years 
     Brightness scale

37 light years 
Brightness scale

05. Vega
  25 light years 
  Brightness scale

Stellar stunners
Despite their name, planetary nebulae actually have nothing to do with planets or star-forming nebulae, but are mature stars whose outer layers of gas have been pushed out to create a spectular ring of colour around the white-dwarf remains of the original star.
01.Ant Nebula

02.Cat's Eye Nebula
03.Eskimo Nebula
04.Helix Nebula

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