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Galaxy in the Universe
In the Universe there are billions of galaxies present out there.We live in Milky Way galaxy or our nearest Galaxy is the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) is the closest spiralgalaxy to us, and though it's gravitationally bound to the Milky Way, it's not the closest galaxy by far – being 2 million light years away.
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Heyy guyzz this is Ankit Sagar back with a new blog.so today our topic is galaxies in the Universe.


Galaxy comes from the Greek name for the galaxy we live in - Milky Way Galaxy - and has its origins in the Greek word for milk.

How many galaxies are there in the Universe?

We don't know. Every time astronomers look into the Universe they discover more galaxies. Some parts of the Universe have not been looked at yet, and there are other parts that telescope cannot see. The best estimate by astronomers is that there are at least 125 Billion galaxies out there.
They all are galaxies

What's in our solar system

Apart from the planets, the solar system contains countless objects hurting through space.

  • 1 sun
  • 4 rocky planets
  • 4 giant planets
  • at least 5 dwarf planets
  • more than 160 moons
  • billions of asteroids
  • thousands of kuiper Belt Objects and trillions of comets, way beyond neptune

Black Holes

  • A black hole is a region of incredibly powerful gravity that drags matter towards it and squeezes it into a tiny space or point, which is called singularity.
  • They are called "black" because the light that is sucked in canot get out.
  • You get black holes when  massive stars explode. These explosions are called supernovas.
  • You also get black holes at the centre of active galaxies, where their mass is equivalent to millions of suns.

Galaxy gallery
The vast spinning collections of stars, gas, and dust that make up a galaxy can look truly spectacular. Some galaxiesare named after the earthly objects they resemble.
Andromeda Galaxy

Black Eye Galaxy

Cigar Galaxy

Cartwheel Galaxy

Koleski Galaxy

Nebula Galaxy

Sombrero Galaxy
Crab Nebula Galaxy
 Colliding in space

The AndromedaMilky Way collision is a galacticcollision predicted to occur in about 4.5 billion years between two galaxies in the Local Group—the Milky Way(which contains the Solar System and Earth) and theAndromeda Galaxy.
Adjacent galaxies are typically ten galaxy diameters apart. But galaxies can collide - as this picture of galaxies NGC 6050 and IC 1179 shows.

Three views of the Milky Way 
Apart from the Milky Way, three galaxies are easily seen with the naked eye from Earth-Andromeda, the Large Magellanic Cloud, and the small Magellanic Cloud.

Common Shapes

1.Spiral Galaxy
A disc-shaped galaxy with a central bulge and arms spiralling away from it.
2. Irregular Galaxy
It cannot be classed into any group due to no regular shape,shape.Yet it is rich in gas and dust.
3. Barred Spiral Galaxy
A spiral galaxy with a straight bar of state that ru through the centre, like the Milky way.
Universe,the univers facts, how was the universe created, universe information, galaxy, astronomy, universe definition, universe planets, science facts, how old is the universe,Creation of the universe,Ask me anything,cosmos,cosmos carl sagan,cosmos online
4. Elliptical galaxy
A collection of old stars that can be shaped like a ball, egg, or cigar.
5. Lenticular Galaxy
This is a lens - shaped galaxy seems to bridge the gap between ellipticals and spirals.

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Have a nice day.


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