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 Space Probe

A space probe is a robotic spacecraft that does not orbit Earth, but instead, explores further into outer space. A space probe may approach the Moon; travel through interplanetary space; flyby, orbit, land on other planetary bodies; or enter interstellar space.

The space agencies of the USSR (now Russia and Ukraine), the United States, the European Union, Japan, China, India, and Israel have collectively launched probes to several planets and moons of the Solar System, as well as to a number of asteroids and comets. Approximately 15 missions are currently operational.

Some space probes names:-

First man-made object to soft-land on the Moon, or any other extra terrestrial surface.
The first mission to photograph the far side of the Moon was launched in 1959.
First robotic sample return probe from the Moon.
First rover on Moon. It was sent to the Moon on November 10, 1970.
First probe to Mercury.
First successful in-place analysis of another planet. It may have also been the first space probe to impact the surface of another planet, although it is unclear whether it reached Venus' surface.
The Venera 7 probe was the first spacecraft to successfully soft land on another planet (Venus) and transmit data from there back to Earth.
Upon its arrival at Mars on November 13, 1971, Mariner 9 became the first space probe to maintain an orbit around another planet.
First soft landing on Mars (December 2, 1971) The lander began transmitting to the Mars 3 orbiter 90 seconds after landing. After 20 seconds, transmission stopped for unknown reasons.
First successful rover on Mars.



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